CANADA says hello


it is jaimie stinas friend i came and visited her in sweden last summer so now her martina and mikaela 
are in vancouver visiting me!

i was so excited to see them in the airport! but they were so tired on the way home we picked up mine stinas old friend julian he was really happy to see her and the whole day people were calling to see if they could come and meet my swedish friends but i had to go to  prom for my school that night so i didn't get to hang out with them it was okay tough they were so tired they went to sleep really early

the next day we went downtown to look around and go shopping stina bought a really nice shirt hat was colorful i said i wouldnt let her get anything else that was white or black and mikaela got some new jeans we went to the food court and got chinese food after that julian and sasha came and met up with us we went to the park sasha was being so funny. after dinner we went and got a movie the "haunting of molly heartly" with nate from gossip girl in it besides the fact that nate is really hot it was a really bad movie and i was the only on that was scared stina and mikaela were both falling alsleep 

on  sunday mikaela and stina woke me up really early cause they are still jet legged so i am so tierd. But in vancouver we have a little like party called greek day were we block off the streets and there is bands and music and greek food but we were ther so early not very many people were there instead we bused to granville island where we had a very good lunch but it was soo funny because we ate outside there were alot of birds and mikeala was so scared there was an old man beside us laughing at her to. our feet really hurt so we went home after that and my friends liza and sayana came over and we played a really funny game and listend to music. but once it was drak me and stina went to the beach and went
swimming stina was screaming so much but i like held her in for a little bit. liza slept over with us.

Today we went to my school and stinas old school all the kids in vancouver have provincial exams for math so we went and met with all stinas old friends she was so nervous but everyone was so happy to see her and i had fun introducing mikaela to everyone we had lunch at the pizza place we always went to when she lived her after sarah and sayana came over and we had a photo shoot at the beach by my house but we went home cause stina got stung by a bee and couldnt walk 

right now we are sitting in my living room and they are really board cause it too me so long to write this 


im so happy to have stina here i lovers her soo much 
sorry if i dont let her come home
peace brotha's ☮

Postat av: Anonym

just shut up and do it! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

2009-06-23 @ 02:38:54

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