Party night in Canada

Hiii hiiii hiii!!
(Its Sayana and Sarah, Stina and Mikaela's Canadian friends)

Were Soooooo excited that Stina and Mikaela are here and our school exams just finished so now were free to do whatever and go whereever. Stina spent the day with another girl Danielle at the beach but she was just waiting for tonight. Toniighhht is our party night! were going out to a friends house and partying all night lonng. Canada style  :P Woot!. 
so basically we are about to head out soon , Stina and Mikaela are looking gorgeoussss as usual....  so it kinda sucks being beside them because they're sooooo pretty and they make us look so bad buttt yea whatever. haha.
Just wanted to sayy a quick hello and tell you what Stina and Mikaela will be up to tonight.  You swedes are SO LUCKY to live with these girllies.


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